One guy we sponsor here at Hammer Nutrition is 18 yo Gold Coast guy, Jack Sinclair.
Jack’s done a range of amazing things already and in April this year did a staggering 1,200 km solo run around Tasmania in just 27 days.
That’s running more than a marathon a day on average for 27 days – the first day he ran 56 kms, with his longest day being 68 kms.

Jack crosses a bridge outside Queenstown on the West Coast
The Boy Can Run
The boy can run. And run and run and run.
He dodged Tiger snakes, Targa Tasmania cars and more.
Anyway, Jack sent me in a few photos and it shows the one thing you need when you’re doing an amazing endurance run – yep, see that stuck there in the back of his backpack (he ran with just a Camelback – he didn’t wash for the first 2 weeks – yuck!) in the photo below??

All you need to run 1,200 kms – a Camelback and Hammer Gel!
It’s a Hammer Gel.
The only thing you need for competing incredible ultra endurance events! Nice work Jack and great run.
David and the team
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