David has asked me to write a post about my 15 yo son Jack’s ride across Australia that ended under the Surfers Paradise sign on the Gold Coast on Friday October 10.
That was 4,500 kms in 30 days. Jack rode up to 260 kms a day. 30 days riding straight.
- Through 30 knot headwinds.
- In 40 degree heat.
- Pelted by driving rain.
- Avoiding emus, kangaroos, foxes, goats and snakes.
He rode to raise money for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Australia (and for a bit of fun) – Jack has raised just over $20,000 so far.
I rode every pedal stroke with Jack and instead of giving you a boring description, I’ll do 3 things:
1. point you to the ride web site,
2. stick a bit of video and photos at the bottom of this post,
3. give a Top 5 list of the things to do if you want to a similar sort of ride/endurance event
Top 5 Tips For Cycling Across Australia At 15 yo (or any age)
1. Believe you can do it
2. Plan it out
3. Train hard
4. Prepare hard
5. Get on your bike and start pedaling
If I, a fat old man of 41, can cycle across Australia then anyone can!
P.S: Pretty sure the highlight of the ride for Jack was finishing at Surfers Paradise – this may, or may not, have had something to do with the Meter Maids swooning all over him!

P.P.S: Oooops, almost forgot – thanks to David and the Hammer team for their products. Incredibly we never, ever felt low on energy or like we needed more fuel.
Had the Heed and gels on the morning rides, Perpetuem for the afternoon rides, Recoverite at the end of the day, and Endurolytes when we needed them.
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